Modern Miracles & Momma’s Multiple Myeloma

Sometimes God whispers.  Other times, He shouts. Either way, He is still in the business of Miracles.
My precious mother is battling Multiple Myeloma–cancer in her blood and bones.  In the past 4 days I’ve watched mother’s lab results go from one extreme to another, especially her white blood count/WBC. 

Since the WBC measures white cells that fight infection in a body, a number lower than normal–4.0 to 10.0 in a healthy person–indicates compromised immunity.   A typical cancer patient who undergoes the high dose chemo my mother received for 2 days prior to her stem cell transplant last Friday would be much lower.  Her count had been dropping all week and was 2.2 the day of her transplant.   The transplant team told my family it would continue downward, hit bottom after 2-3 days and she would be “stuck there” for at least 10-14 days before she would begin to recover.  Thoroughly briefed on the horrible side effects that would plague mom during that time, we braced ourselves for the worst.
God had other plans.  The day after mom’s transplant we expected to see her white blood count around 1.0.  Instead it soared to 20.5!  Our oncology nurses said they had never seen anything like it.  They even called the lab to double-check and confirm the results.  One oncologist called it, “very bizarre”.  Another simply said, “Weird.”  My family marveled as we prayed for mom’s WBC to remain high, hoping it would indicate God had chosen to heal mother in some miraculous way.  The transplant team & doctor on call discouraged us from getting too excited, speculating that this was “a strange fluke” and the count would surely drop the next day.
Since then mom’s WBC has dropped everyday…from 20.5 to 7.7, 3.2, all the way to 0 today.  She has, indeed “hit bottom”.  What a difference a few days has made…watching her now in the thick of side-effects and pain, helpless to offer her any relief is the most agonizing thing I’ve ever experienced.  With every tear she cries, I feel my heart being ripped out.  Yet, I believe when mom’s WBC mysteriously spiked to more than twice that of a normal healthy person, God was shouting, “I AM ABLE”. 

Able to do immeasurably more that all we could ask or imagine according to His Power at work in us.” {Ephesians 3:20 NIV} 

He did.  And we almost missed it.  We wanted Saturday’s high number to mean mom was healed.  What we almost missed is God showed up in a mighty, yes miraculous way.  It wasn’t the miracle we hoped for, the miracle of complete healing.  But it was definitely a miracle.  The Living God graced us with a personal manifestation of His presence, giving us a glimpse of His Power, encouraging our hearts in  preparation for upcoming devastation and suffering.  For one solitary day God did something extraordinary and exceptional in the Body of His precious saints.
In this journey of cancer we have continually prayed we would not miss God.  Healing would be wonderful though we have yet to see if that is God’s plan for mother in the flesh.  What we DO see is that He is here…“The LORD our God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.”  {Zephaniah 3:17} 

He cares that my sweet mother is suffering. He is holding her when she cries in pain.  Too, He is holding my fragmented heart.  As I consider the events of the past 4 days, I’m coming to realize anew that whether we are in the highs of a mountaintop experience, unexplainable in human terms or at the lowest valley of human suffering and despair, GOD is still God.  He is in complete control. And  His Grace is sufficient…

“He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”  {II Corinthians 12:9 NIV}

God’s compassion cannot fail and His mercies are new every morning.

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness {Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV}

 On the ride from the Cancer Clinic to our little apartment this morning, my mother began singing, “Great is thy faithfulness, Oh God my Father.  There is no shadow of turning with Thee.  ALL I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy Faithfulness, Lord unto me…”

Published by

DiAnna Steele

Child of God, Follower of Jesus, Sister in Christ, Friend to the lost...

19 thoughts on “Modern Miracles & Momma’s Multiple Myeloma”

  1. God bless you as we continue to pray for you, DiAnna, and your mother’s recovery. I strongly sense your strength of faith in this post and I sung along with your mother in that last line. My mother used to sing that same song. I rate this post a 20.5!
    your friend and prayer warrior,

  2. “God is still God.” Amen Di…. and I too take His miraculous act on the 20.5 day as a sign and a wonder… just as I told you via email that day. And this sign was not simply something to marvel at, but rather to “understand” just as you rightly expressed above. In Mark 8, Jesus said, ““Why are you talking about having no bread? Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember? When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?” “Twelve,” they replied. “And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?” They answered, “Seven.” He said to them, “Do you still not understand?”

    I pay special note of his reference to Isaiah’s prophesy of those who have eyes that see and ears to hear… that those lacking these “spirit” senses will not understand, and therefore will not “be healed.” We however DO have eyes that see and ears that hear, so we take the bread of that 20.5 day and remember… UNDERSTAND… and are thereby healed. Aside from your Mom’s healing, the Lord is speaking to all of us who are following this chapter in His book of life… your Mom’s chapter… and surely the Lord is asking us, “Why are you talking about having no bread?” Your Mom HAS that bread, and I pray all of us receive that bread to be crucified with her through this…. to turn, and be healed. Amen. I believe, and so I pray!

  3. “Pardon for sin, and a peace that endureth,
    Thine Own dear presence to cheer and to guide,
    Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
    Blessings all mine, with 10,000 beside!”
    He is faithful, and He is in control!
    Much love and many prayers, Di, Karen, and all,

  4. DEAR Di–Thank you for sharing this remarkable and miraculous account of God’s presence. God IS good ALL the TIME. ALL THE TIME, God is GOOD! You and your Mom remain in my prayers. Praise HIM! Fondly, The Oldest Chevy on the Lot

  5. I am glad for the news that you and your mother are His Story.
    The best place to see our risen Life is on the cross of Christ isn’t it Di?
    You are Loved Di.

  6. Dear heart of my own heart, This was beautiful. You are beautiful. His power is made strong in weakness and I have never seen His power more evident in you. Continue to let Him be your strength.

    I wish I was there with you to give you the hug you need and deserve. Could we plan some time together when you are home next weekend? Even if all we do is sit in silence and let me wipe your tears, I am forever here for you.
    Much love,

  7. God Does Live through his miracles!!! My Mother was Diagnosed with
    multiple myeloma when I was 14 They said usually people don’t live longer
    than 5 years. My mother is a Christian, and went for Chemo, and treatment.
    She quit taking chemo, and put her Faith in God, and claimed her Healing
    in His Name!! I am now 48 years old and my Mother is 82. She still has
    Multiple Myeloma but it has been in remission for 34 years, Evertime they
    do blood work they can’t believe that it has been that long, they say I think you are mistaken maybe you mean 4 years. God Is Great!!!!! Thank You Jesus!! For letting my Mother be a shining light!!

  8. Hi Lisa,

    My friend Bev has been in the hospital for 8 days with the same diagnosis.
    She does not want radiation and really does not want Chemo. She is a believer and wants God to heal her. The hospital staff is treating her like she is depressed and wants to die because she is refusing treatment. She has fractures in her spine, sternum, hip, and ribs. Her calcium level is going up everyday. please e-mail me.

  9. Frances, I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. She must be suffering tremendously. I’m praying for her. I know there is some bad theology out there that teaches if we have enough faith our flesh will be healed. It’s just not true. God decides our time and there is a “time appointed unto to death” for ALL of us. Even so, I will continue to pray for God to heal Bev according to His will for her. I will also send a private email to Lisa and give her your email address so she may write to you if she chooses.

  10. Just got on to your “Mom and Myeloma ” .
    It made me cry ! I love you so much. Thank you for sharing with so many people. I’m doing great now thanks to God and so many people praying for me. God has given me a second chance !

  11. I’m so glad to hear that you’re doing well ‘mom’. 🙂
    My small group Bible study was praying for you as you went through this process. God is good. May his Spirit be with you, may his light shine down upon you dear one,

  12. Thanks, Larry! Mom has been in full remission for nearly 3 years. We are thankful to God for every day we get to spend with her. Mom is tough. And God is GOOD! Prayers for your continued strength and healing as well.

  13. hi@ it inspires me to go on with my mom emy, to really pray and believe GOD for complete, miraculous healing. doctors were saying currently that any moment she can die but I believe and trust HIS will. It breaks my heart into pieces whenever she says, she’s tired and whenever i saw that strongest woman i know, cry bec of pain, fears and traumas of iv and needles. Before she wasnt like that. I claim the same healing power that GOD poured out with your mother! GOD bless you all!

  14. So here we are, nearly 8 years later and mom is STILL in Remission and going strong. Every time her oncologist runs her blood work he tells her how amazed and thrilled he is that she survived this long. To GOD be the Glory!

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